Forgney National School: Roll No: 00860D

School Self Evaluation Report January 2015 – Literacy

1.1 The Focus of the Evaluation:

A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in Literacy was undertaken during the period November 2014/June 2015.

During the evaluation: teaching and learning of Literacy across the whole school was evaluated.

The school gathered information using the following methods:

  • Pupil Questionnaires
  • Teacher observation and reflection
  • Standardised Test Results of Micra – T
  • Results from class assessments
  • Pupils’ own work
  • SCOT Analysis undertaken by staff
  • Parent Questionnaires.

1.2 School Context:

This is a report of the finding of the evaluation:

  • Forgney National School is a mixed rural primary school. The Patron is Bishop Michael Smith – Bishop of Meath Diocese.
  • There are currently 26 pupils enrolled in Forgney National School.
  • There are 2 Teachers based in Forgney N.S. ( 2 classroom teachers including 1 teaching Principal, I shared Learning Support teacher & 1 shared Resource Teacher).
  • ForgneyS. administers standardised tests in Mathematics and English reading from 1st – 6th class. (Micra & Sigma T).
  • The Belfield test is administered yearly to Junior Infants

The Middle Infant Screening Test is administered yearly to senior infants.

  • Further diagnostic tests are administered by the learning support teacher when required. (Neale analysis, N.R.I.T, Schonnel reading 7 spelling assessments, B.I.A.P,

(Dolch assessments).

  • Continual assessment of pupils occurs through teacher observation and reflection, teacher designed tasks and teacher designed tests.
  1. 1 The Findings:

(Based on standardised scores achieved in May 2014 & questionnaires)

  • 2% of students are performing at the 16th percentile or below compared to normal distribution of 16%.
  • 8% of students are performing between the 17th to   50th percentile compared to normal distribution of 34%.
  • 7% of students are performing between the 51st to 84th percentile compared to normal distribution of 34%.
  • 4% of students are performing between the 85th   to 100th percentile compared to normal distribution of 16%.

When compared with normal distribution we noted that we have less than the norm of children performing below the 84th percentile.

When compared with normal distribution we noted that we have a higher distribution of children performing above the 85th percentile and also above the 98th percentile than the norm.

   At or below

2nd PR


3rd – 16th



17th   – 50th



51st – 84th



85th – 98th



Above 98th


 Normal 2.% 14% 34% 34% 14% 2%
 Forgney 4.2% 0% 20.8% 41.7% 29.2% 4.2%


  • 100% of children surveyed from Junior Infants to 2nd class reported to like English, find it easy and enjoyable to learn and think they are good at it.
  • 100% of children surveyed from 3rd – 6th class reported to like reading.
  • 92% of children think they are good readers and always understand what they read.
  • The pupils reported that they like the following parts of literacy the most: Story, Poetry, Library, Oral work, phonics, reading at home, work on the interactive white board (IWB).
  • Pupils reported that they dislike the following areas of Literacy: writing stories, learning spellings, grammar and punctuation.
  • All teachers identified different writing genres grammar development and vocabulary development, comprehension/strategies, as areas that need more attention within their classrooms
  • 100% of parents say their child likes reading.
  • 91% of parents report their child is doing very well at reading
  • 31% of surveyed children (3rd – 6th ) do not like writing stories.
  • 22% of parents say their children do not like writing stories.

Preparation for teaching:

 Each class teacher prepares for his/her class by doing fortnightly and yearly plans and outlining specific aims/objectives and activities for each literacy topic. Plans are used to guide teaching and learning.

Teaching approaches:

Teachers employ a wide variety of teaching methodologies appropriate to the development of all literacy areas. The following approaches are utilised across the school: Collaborative learning, active learning, problem solving, skills through content, use of the environment learning through play ie. Aistear etc; Teachers differentiate their lessons to cater for the needs and abilities of all pupils.

Management of pupils:

 Students are taught literacy at their own class level with class teachers utilising the Learning Support Teacher to improve quality of teaching.   A variety of groupings are used in the classroom to support literacy


Provisions are made within individual classes for students with varying needs – e.g. they are seated with children of similar abilities or are given alternative tasks to do either through worksheets/IWB/use of concrete materials etc.


Teachers employ a selection of assessment tools to assess learning in literacy observations, checklists, questioning, curriculum objectives, self-assessment tests and standardised tests.   Class assessments are carried out at regular intervals by the class teachers most commonly at end of each term and sometimes weekly.

Standardised Tests – 1st – 6th classes undertake Micra-T in the final term and the results are analysed by each individual class teacher to ascertain strengths/weaknesses of their pupils.   Results are reported to parents in the “End of Year Report” NRIT tests are administered to 1st and 4th classes annually.   MIST and Belfield tests are also administered annually.

Learning Environment:

Each class teacher self-reflects on the literacy learning environment they provide for their pupils. A literacy print rich environment is evident in the junior and senior classes.

Pupils’ engagement in learning:

Levels of engagement varied from pupil to pupil. It was monitored primarily through teacher observation i.e. noting how often a child offered information in class, willingness to participate in literacy activities, attitude to tasks assigned/new topics and so forth.

The use of ICT was found to greatly  enhance engagement in learning.

Pupils are actively engaged in their learning and the level of pupil interest and participation is high.   Pupils enjoy a variety of activities in literacy – reading, writing, poetry, comprehension, oral work, reports etc.

Learning to Learn:

This is fundamental to our teaching at Forgney National School.   We are mindful as a staff that we want the children to be able to use literacy in a fluid and natural way, to this end staff endeavour to integrate literacy throughout all other curricula areas.

Attainment of curriculum objectives:

 As was mentioned in the “assessment” section each class teacher carries out various tests to determine whether or not a child has attained the objectives in a particular area.   If a child has not, he/she is provided with extra help until they are achieved.

Parental involvement:

 Parents are very supportive of our school literacy approach and initiatives, parents are encouraged to support their child by listening to reading at home, looking at written work and talking to their child.

3.1 Summary of School self evaluation findings:

 Forgney National School has strengths in the following areas:

  1. When compared with normal distribution we noted that we have a higher distribution of children performing above the 85th percentile. (also above the 98th percentile) than the norm.
  2. 100% of pupils surveyed in (Jnr Inf – 2nd class) love English.
  3. 100% of pupils surveyed in (3rd – 6th class) love reading.
  4. The two mainstream classrooms have interactive whiteboards installed, this makes a wide range of resources readily available for the teaching and learning of literacy as well as more fun activities for children to engage with.
  5. There is a print rich environment throughout the school and a good quality and quantity of resources available.
  6. All teachers are motivated to engage in further professional development in the areas of literacy.
  7. Preparation for teaching
  8. Teaching approaches
  9.  Management of pupils
  10. Assessment – variety of assessment tools used.
  11. Attainment of curriculum objectives
  12. Variety of writing genres used throughout the school.
  13. Spiral phonics scheme in Junior cycle.
  14. 92% of children (3rd –   6th class) find oral and written English questions easy.
  15.  96% of parents feel the English their child learns is at just the right level for their ability and 91% know their child’s weaknesses and strengths in English

3.2   The following areas for improvement:

Oral Language “Skills”:

  • Improvement in oral language confidence and fluency and a development in the expressive capacity of children.
  • Offer opportunities for pupils to develop oral skills at each class level.
  • Poetry at each class level to be learned by heart.
  • Specific oral language skills are to be taught and practiced.
  • Increase use of ICT – (Literacy supportive websites).


1)     Develop children’s appreciation, reading fluency and pleasure through using a                 wider variety of reading material.

  • Increase variety of reading materials for all classes.
  • Encourage parents to listen to their child’s reading at home.
  • Development of Paired Reading and Peer Tutoring learning.
  • Allocation of discretionary time to increase literacy time.

2)      Develop a range of reading comprehension strategies.

3)     Increase use of ICT – (Literacy supportive websites).

  • Teachers will explicitly teach and model comprehensive strategies.


  1. Develop increased grammatical and spelling accuracy in writing.
  2.  Differentiation   – Focus on high achievers.
  3. Continued usage of all writing genres with an emphasis on enhancing pupils                    enjoyment of and interest in all areas of writing.
  4. Increase use of ICT – (Literacy supportive websites).