It is the policy of this school to assess pupil’s progress in curricular areas on a continuous basis. Continuous Assessment includes the following:
- Teacher Observation
- Teacher designed tasks and tests
- Pupil projects and portfolios
- Self-Assessment by pupils
- Pupil Profiles
- Samples of pupils work
- Record Keeping
- Annual Report
This continuous assessment will form the basis of Parent/Teacher consultations. Standardised Tests will be administered on a regular basis and discussed with parents at parent/teacher meetings. At present these are the Micra-T and Sigma-T Tests.
The results of these tests may also be used in the allocation of pupils to classes as per school policy. It is the policy of the school to issue written reports to parents once per academic year. The results of pupil assessments will form the basis of these reports. Written reports should be:
- Clear, concise and factual
- Presented to the Principal and a copy of the report entered into the pupil file
- Signed and dated
Assessment of Pupils for Supplementary Teaching
Tests are organised by the Learning Support Teacher in conjunction with the class teachers as per Learning Support Policy.
Tests used:
- Standardised Tests
- Diagnostic Tests
- Ability Tests (Verbal and Non-Verbal)
Screening Tests and Standardised Test are administered on a class basis. Pupils who score at or below the 10th percentile or pupils about whom teachers have concerns are referred to the Learning Support Teacher for assessment using diagnostic/ability tests. Screening tests are given to all pupils during the Infant cycle or 1st class. Tests are administered to pupils transferring from another school.
Reporting to Outside Agencies on Individual Pupils
All requests should be notified to the Principal. When the report is complete, it should be sent to the Principal for forwarding to the Outside Agency. The Staff member should keep a copy of the report and a copy should be kept in the school records. A copy of the request should also be kept on file and the reason whey the report was sought. The Principal will have the discretion to bring any sensitive reports or request to the Board of Management for their attention, advice or direction.